Services We Provide:
- Fire extinguisher Inspection, Maintenance and Testing
- Fire Suppression System Inspection and Maintenance
- Low and High pressure hydrostatic testing
- Fire hose pressure testing
- Kitchen hood systems inspection and installation
Check out Fire Extinguisher handling videos – https://youtu.be/oCShiT5KDT8
We are certified Amerex distributors. You can see all of the products that we have available at www.amerex-fire.com
We sell all types of fire extinguisher cabinets. Our major lines are Cato (www.cato2007.com), Larsens (www.larsensmfg.com) , and Potter Roemer (www.potterroemer.com) .
We are Brooks distributors. You can find all of the products available at www.brooksequipment.com.